Basic beliefs of vital importance
1. The Bible as our final authority
2, What it teaches about our Lord Jesus Christ
3, Forgiveness of sins possible only by what Jesus Christ has done
4, Salvation only by God's grace and faith in Christ
5.Regeneration by the Holy Spirit a necessary part of salvation


Forgive me if I seem to start with the obvious. The foundation of the Christian faith is the Lord Jesus Christ. We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone. (see Ephesians 2:20).
It is prophesied in Scripture (Isaiah 28:16) and it is recorded as fulfilled in 1 Peter 2:6. Indeed one of our popular hymns states: "The Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord".

Having affirmed our faith in the one and only foundation, the Christian faith may be expressed in a number of Bible-based propositions: I believe in........ It is good for Christians to express occasionally what they believe!

Shortly after the Ethiopian eunuch had trusted Christ (Acts 8:26-36), the eunuch asked: What doth hinder me to be baptised? (verse 36). Philip replied: "If thou believest with all thine heart thou mayest". It is unfortunate that the following verse 37 is questioned or even omitted in many modern versions, for it contains a very important confession: I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. It was upon this confession of faith (so important to Christ - see Matthew 16:13-16) that Philip baptised him (Acts 8:38-40).

Such fundamental truth is important. It is not enough to say, as many do today: "I love Jesus!" It is important to define which Jesus we love! In a similar way, it is not enough to say: "I believe in the Christian faith..." It is important to define exactly what we mean by the Christian faith.

The first Christian fundamental we shall consider is:

The Holy Bible, and the Holy Bible alone, is our complete and our final authority.
This is very important, because if we accept any other authority we shall be holding a faith that cannot be authorised by the Bible. In the words of Article 6 of the 39 Articles of the Church of England we read:
"Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation so that whatsoever is not read therein nor may be proved thereby is not to be required of any man that it should be believed as an article of the faith, or be thought requisite to salvation."
The point being made here is that as far as the faith is concerned, the Holy Bible contains all that we need to know.
The Bible is God's word in written form.

There are two very important scriptures you should take time to learn by heart:
2 Timothy 3:15, 16 and 2 Peter 1:20, 21

You will find that these will confirm your faith in God's written word. They affirm how God in-breathed His word and moved men to convey what He wanted us to know.

It is very important that we come to the Bible in the right attitude of mind. We do not come to it to judge or question it, but for it to judge, teach and question us!

It is intended for you to look up each of these Scripture references and consider them carefully.


These are reasons enough upon which we can build a structure of confidence, but not enough to compel belief. The Christian accepts the inspiration of Scripture BY FAITH.


In a day when there are many other claimed authorities for what we should believe - human teachers, extra-biblical revelations, traditional church creeds - it is well to remember this first Christian fundamental:

The second Christian fundamental we shall consider is:

We believe the full scripture teaching about the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The emphasis is on that word "full". There are scriptures which teach that He was a man among men, and there are scriptures which teach that He was co-equal with God!

Throughout the history of the Christian Church there have been those who have denied the one or the other. There are cults that do this today.

In the 3rd century there was a fierce controversy concerning the Person of Christ. It resulted in the Nicene Creed (A.D. 325:)

"I believe... in one Lord Jesus Christ the only-begotten Son of God, Begotten of his Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light Very God of very God, Begotten, not made, Being of one substance with the Father, By whom all things were made...."
This states clearly enough the DIVINITY of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe this because it is taught in the Bible.


 His divine pre-existence  John 1:1,3  John 17:5  Colossians 1:16,17
 His divine titles  John 20:28  Hebrews 1:8  1 Timothy 3:16
 His divine attributes  Hebrews 1:3  Matthew 11:27  Hebrews 13:8
 His divine Works  Mark 6:41  Acts 4:10  John 11:25

He actually receives our worship!

 We are baptised in His Name  Matthew 28:19
 We are to honour Him  John 5:23
 We are to believe in Him  John 14:1
 We may call upon Him  Acts 7:59, 60
 We are blessed in His Name  2 Corinthians 13:14

That Nicene Creed goes on to confess-

".....Who for us men, and for our salvation came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, And was made man, And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried....."
 Luke 19:41
 Jesus wept
 John 11:35
 Matthew 4:2
 Jesus was hungry
 Matthew 21:18
 John 4:7
 Jesus was thirsty
 John 19:28
 Matthew 8:24
 Jesus needed rest
 John 4:6
 Luke 22:44
 He agonised and sweat
 Hebrews 5:7
 1 Corinthians 15:3,4
 He died!
 John 19:33,34

  To continue with the Nicene Creed:-

"...And the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures, And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead: Whose kingdom shall have no end."

The third Christian fundamental we shall consider is:

We believe that forgiveness of sins is only possible through the substitutionary death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here are two verses worth memorising:
1 Corinthians 15:3, 4 - The words of our Lord convey the reason for His coming.
Matthew 18:11 - N.B. This verse is questioned in many modern versions.
This is the central doctrine of the Christian faith. If we are wrong here - then we are wrong everywhere.


Now some of these words may be unfamiliar to you.  They are simply "theological" keywords, rich in meaning. As our SUBSTITUTE, He took the punishment instead, and was therefore SACRIFICED, so that He could in a legal sense REDEEM (buy back) us and thus make us His own. At the same time a sinner who believes is RECONCILED to God (peace is now made between God and the sinner), and the believer is now considered by God to be JUSTIFIED or made free of guilt.


 1 Peter 1:18, 19  The price of our redemption
 Colossians 1:20  The ground of our reconciliation
 Hebrews 10:19  The reason for our boldness
 Hebrews 9:22  The basis of our remission
 Revelation 5:9,10  The theme of our song


 It was a VICARIOUS offering (In our place)  John 8:46 
 1 Peter 2:22
 Hebrews 4:15
 1 Corinthians 15:3
 2 Corinthians 5:21
 Romans 5:8
 It was a SATISFYING offering (Meeting demand)  John 10:11
 Mark 10:45
 1 Peter 3:18
 It was an ATONING offering (Taking away sin)
 I suggest you memorise John 1:29 (2nd half)
 Leviticus 6:2-7
 Leviticus 4:13-20
 Exodus 12:21-23
It was a RECONCILING offering (We can turn back)  Rom. 5:10
 2 Cor. 5:18
 Eph. 2:16
"If Christ be God and He died for me, then no sacrifice that I can make could be too great."  (Hudson Taylor)
He died that we might be forgiven.
He died to make us good,
That we might go at last to heaven,
Saved by His precious blood.
(Cecil Alexander)

Because the sinless Saviour died,
My sinful soul is counted free,
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him - and pardon me.

The fourth Christian fundamental we shall consider is:

We believe that salvation is by grace, through faith in Christ alone. WHAT THEN IS TRUE REPENTANCE?

True repentance involves the whole person.

The faith that saves is not easy believing, then living as we like. It is a costly commitment we undertake, - as led by God - to a life being lived for Him alone.

"I hope to carry my repentance to the grave." (said a Godly Saint)


"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Faith is a gift of God. - Romans 12:3

Faith is expressed in several ways:
 Isaiah 45.22  John 1:12  John 4:14
 John 6:35  John 6:55-58  Galatians 3:27
 Ephesians 2:8  2 Timothy 1:12  Hebrews 6:10


Faith = Hearing + believing + committing!

Article 11 of the 39 Articles sums up the Bible teaching well:
"We are accounted righteous before God only for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by Faith, and not for our own works or deservings."

The fifth Christian fundamental we shall consider is:

We believe that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is necessary to salvation.

This is in keeping with the word of the Lord Jesus Christ - "Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God". John 3:3

"However gifted, moral, or refined, the natural man is absolutely blind to spiritual truth and impotent to enter the kingdom; for he can neither obey, understand, nor please God" (C.I.Schofield)

A man may be alive physically, but dead spiritually - see Ephesians 2:1. Coming to spiritual life is called the new birth. The theological word is regeneration.


 The creation of a new person  2 Corinthians 5:17
 The reception of eternal life  John 10:27, 28
 The implantation of a new heart  Ezekiel 36:26
 The impartation of a divine nature   2 Peter 1:4


 We are children of wrath  Ephesians 2:3
 We are sons of disobedience  Ephesians 2:2
 We are led captive by the devil  2 Timothy 2:26
 We are apart from God  Ephesians 2:13
 We are facing the judgement  Acts 17:31


 It is by the will of God.  John 1:13
 James 1:18
 It is through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ  John 3:14-16
 1 Peter 1:3
 It is effected by the Word of God (the Holy Scriptures) being heard or read.  James 1:18
 John 3:5
 1 Pet 1:23
 Eph. 5:26
 Titus 3:5
 It is by the Spirit of God.  John 3:5, 6
 Titus 3:5
"My hardened heart was touched, Thy pardoning voice I heard;
And joy and peace came in, While listening to Thy Word."
We do not understand it, we cannot explain it, but the truths of God's Word, like seeds, are sown into the human heart, and in some cases they take root. It is like good seed sown on prepared ground and it brings forth abundantly. Other times the same seed falls on hard, stony or thorny ground and does not produce fruit.

The question: Have I been born again? is the most important question a person can ever ask. The answer will have eternal consequences. No wonder Peter said: (2 Peter 1:10.)

If you are not sure, read "Christian?", which should provide the answer in your case, one way or the other.



The Holy Bible is our only authority for the Christian faith. If parts of the Bible are questioned, rejected, replaced, added to or subtracted from, then no longer is the Bible our only authority. It is important as a Christian to believe we have a preserved Bible as far as its content is concerned, not an evolving one.

Since 1611 the Christian faith has recognised basically one Holy Bible in the English language. It is known as The Authorised Version (or King James Version). However, with the passing of the years and changing of words and phrases, it was decided to render the Bible in more modern English. The first official revised translation, called The Revised Version, appeared in 1885, but since then we have seen many other versions published, and several of these have actually been revised a number of times. Christians today find this very confusing! Even non-Christians can ask which is the true one? Which of the 30 or so now on offer is the Christian Bible? To make things more difficult they are all different and they are all copyright.

There are two basic attitudes toward the authority of our faith today:

1. One is to accept by faith that all the modern versions are helpful and in some ways more accurate (as in fact is claimed for them) than the Authorised Version. We should believe that God has spoken in all of them, and we have to compare the various versions in order to discover what God is saying to us today.

2. We take the view, by faith, that the Authorised Version is the most accurate as far as the content of the Bible is concerned. We believe it is God's preserved Word and that all modern versions should be judged by this version which has guided the Christian Church (so far as the English language is concerned) for nearly 400 years. It may require some words that are not in use today to be updated, but having said that, it still remains the most accurate Bible we have in the English language. Otherwise, would God have allowed us to have an inaccurate Bible for so long? Even before the publication of the Authorised Version in 1611 earlier versions in the English language were substantially the same in their content. They were all based upon the same Greek Received Text manuscripts.


Some believe we may refer to them as we would a commentary, but where their content questions the Authorised Version they should be disregarded. An increasing number of Christians today think it wrong to leave the old and proven for the new and changing. Within the multiplicity of versions, there undoubtedly will be corruptions; in which case, comments of those who loved and used the A.V. would be more reliable. This is a very important subject and I should like to commend:

Alfred Levell


Rev. D.A. Waite

Forgive me if I sound controversial, but it is very important that you go on to follow the Lord with the authentic guide book and final authority in your hand.
                                                                                                 Ron Smith

"Within that awesome Volume lies,
The mystery of mysteries;
And happiest they of human race,
To whom the Lord has granted grace,
To read, to fear to hope and pray.
To lift the latch and force the way;
And better had they neer been born,
Who read to doubt, or read to scorn."
                                                 Sir Walter Scott