There is a verse in the book of Proverbs which tells us that:
"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is a folly and shame unto him." (Proverbs 18:13).
In most controversial matters there are usually two sides. So it is in this matter of versionism. There are reasons to believe that modern versions are helpful, but there are also reasons to believe that they are unhelpful and perhaps even dangerous.

It is true to say that Christians in the main have only heard the reasons why some believe modern versions are helpful. Those who publish modern versions have very effectively made these reasons known, but very few have taken the time or made the effort to hear the 'other sides' of versionism.

The intricacies of textual criticism are generally beyond the average Christian and the general attitude is to let the scholars who know decide. Even the terms used are obscure. The fact is that the scholars themselves are undecided concerning many aspects of versionism. True, the majority agree with the corrections being made (in their opinion) to the Authorised from the new Greek Texts since 1881. However opinion is not unanimous. Scholastic support, it has been pointed out, can be found for almost any position.Regarding the majority support for the new view: the majority are not always right; it was the majority who decided to crucify the Lord; many were scribes and scholars.

1. Modern versions are based upon an unreliable form of the Greek Text which embodies the errors of judgment of textual critics during the past 100 years.

2. In many cases (not all) the translators of scripture have held a lower view of inspiration and the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ, and this is reflected in the translation.

3. Modern versions will be found to contain misleading footnotes regarding manuscript evidence which undermine (in a very subtle way) the authority and uniqueness of Holy Scripture in the mind of the reader. These footnotes are in fact reflecting the uncertainties of the translators themselves. Furthermore these footnotes will be found to vary from translation to translation.

4. Modern versions generally imply to the reader that we have no longer a special revelation preserved by divine providence, but only an increasing number of variant revelations, provisionally being restored.

5. Modern versions are popularising a form of text which has ecumenical approval and is helping to prepare for a 'common Bible' which can be accepted by the majority. It can be very revealing to ask a publisher involved with the translation team of a particular version which section of the Christian Church they represent. Often an ecumenical Bible for all is intended.

6. It will be found that each new version is tending to become more different from the Authorised Version, implying that the A.V. was wrong and the newer versions are more correct.

7. The vocabulary and style, in attempting to render divine truth in modern idiom, is often inappropriate to the subject matter and majesty of the Divine Author. To reduce some of the most beautiful words and expressions of the Christian faith - which should be learned - to shallow, loose substitutes of today is diluting Christian doctrine and opening the way for error.

8. The slight gain in clarity by the updating of obsolete words (which can just as easily be defined in a word list at the back) is not worth the loss of so many other words, verses and whole passages that are being taken from the word of God. We are warned several times that we should not add to or omit from God's word. (See Deuteronomy 4:2. Proverbs 30:5. and Revelation 22:18,19).

9. The increasing publication and use of so many versions today is now making expository preaching and teaching increasingly difficult to follow. The members of a congregation are seeing different versions and editions, and in many cases find the verse alluded to is different or even completely missing. The confusion caused is so great that many no longer bring a Bible to Church.

10. Every new English translation since 1611 has charged the Authorised Version with having archaic words that render it unintelligible, difficult or misleading. But this charge is now wearing thin, for every six months a new English translation, or revision of an existing translation appears! Even advocates of modern version are beginning to see the folly, even danger, in this, as simple faith in the word of God is being undermined in the growing generation.

The advent of modern versions during the past 30 years has now achieved something that all the atheists, agnostics, freethinkers, unbelievers, evolutionists and humanists together could never do. They have caused an increasing number of those who were once called 'evangelicals' to question their final authority, leave the Authorised Version and use other new Bibles. Some of these now have been given the official imprimatur of the Roman Catholic Church and are actually being distributed by Protestants today!

It is my personal conviction that a high faith view of the Authorised Version in written form is given by God. If a person holding in hand the Authorised Version can say "this is the word of God today", he or she does so by grace through faith.

This being so, I believe the most effective method of encouraging a return to the high faith view of scripture is simply to encourage Christians to read it. Someone has wisely said: "The Authorised Version does not need to be re-written - but re-read."

That there are some obsolete words, I agree. They could be replaced by more modern words - yes. But not at the expense of changing or questioning the content. We ought not to sell our spiritual birthright, something that God has given - for a mess of modern-version pottage!

We are finding that many today - yes, younger Christians too - are finding a deeper personal faith in God's word as they read the A.V. in the right attitude of mind.

Someone may object: "You are making too big an issue about this matter! Modern versions of the Bible are not that different." Have you checked them out? If not, you ought to read "THE RAY TEST" to see how very different is any modern version today from the Authorised Version - assuming you have your highest faith in the Authorised Version. Within 40 minutes you could make a value judgment as to which you regard as the Word of God today.

Ah, say some: "But I don't reject the Authorised Version, I have the highest regard for it. I certainly have not rejected it in favour of a modern version. If I were called to make a choice between a modern version or the Authorised as the word of God today I would choose......?......" Some have chosen. They never use the Authorised Version at all!


How can an ever-increasing number of easier to read new Bibles, all different, all questioning its content in the footnotes, all translated from different textual resources, using different methods of translation, all copyright, all liable to be revised, none of them said to be final, and none of them said to be perfect, be called the word of God, our final authority of the Christian faith?

O Lord, Thy word is before me, give me a meek, reverent and teachable mind. Open to me its sacred truths, and enable me to receive it, not as the word of men, but as the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. Be Thou O Holy Spirit my teacher. Enlighten my mind and prepare my heart. Shine, O Lord, upon Thine own sacred page, and make it clear to me. What I see not, show me. Where I am wrong, correct me. Bring home some portion to my soul and make me wise unto salvation and holy in my life. I pray this prayer through Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour - AMEN.