
This study is the first in a series of five in which we consider the basic facts of the Christian faith.
It is important to know what we believe and why we believe it.

Before reading on, have you asked God for understanding?

The four Gospels tell about men, women and children who not only saw Christ, but had the experience of knowing Him in a life-changing way. He transformed their lives and gave them a new joy and purpose. He is still doing this today as thousands enter into a personal relationship with Him. He is the "same yesterday, today, and for ever."

Christianity is not just a religion: it centres on a Person - the Lord Jesus Christ. Unlike the world's religions, it is not a code of doctrine or morals, nor does it consist of a creed. Christianity is CHRIST: the One who is no less than God once revealed in human form and submitting Himself to death on a Cross, but Who is now alive for ever more.

The effects of knowing and trusting Him are truly revolutionary, so let's begin by considering what John's Gospel tells us about the Lord Jesus Christ.

To begin with...........
(a) These study notes are based on John's Gospel. To answer the questions, look up and read the references quoted. These apply to chapter and verse: for example 8:24 means John, Chapter 8, verse 24. You will find it helps to give answers in your own words where possible.
(b) Modern versions of the Bible are both different and copyright. We suggest you use the Authorised Version for these studies. It is our traditional Bible.


John's Gospel begins by speaking of Jesus as 'the Word', a title which implies that He is the very expression of God. He is the One who not only existed from before the creation (17:5) but Who took our human nature and lived here on earth among us (1:14) to make God known and bring us back to Himself.

Jesus Christ has a unique place in the world's history. Some regard Him as a great prophet, but the Bible goes much further than this, in asserting that Jesus Christ was God Himself, Who came to rescue and give us eternal life.

Jesus Christ wrote no books, yet more books have been written about Him than anyone else. He came from a poor carpenter's home in an oppressed state in the Middle East, yet He has divided all history into B.C. and A.D. The letters 'A.D.' come from the Latin words meaning 'Year of the Lord', referring to Jesus. Not only is He the Lord of Christians, but He is 'Lord of All' - King of kings, and Lord of lords.

Something unusual happened after His public execution. All the evidence supports the fact that He arose from the dead. Down through the centuries men who obviously never physically met Jesus appear to have known Him in personal faith and experience. This encounter has changed their lives.

In a world which clearly shows the spiritual poverty and sin of mankind, we dare not reject the truth which Jesus taught about Himself and God.

Jesus Christ was the Son of God who took the punishment for our sin upon Himself. When we realise this, we are ready for God to transform our lives.


1. In John 3:14-16 we read: "And as Moses lifted up the serpent......."
        Whom did God give?
        Why did God give?

2. How did Jesus Christ describe Himself in the following verses?
Note carefully the implication of the words following "I am ......."
        6:35,          8:12,          10:11,          11:25,          14:6

3. When Pilate tried Jesus, what was his verdict?         18:38,          19:4 and 6.
    In spite of this, what was the popular reaction?         19:6 and 15.

4. What scripture did the disciples not yet understand?         20:1-9.
5. When Thomas saw the marks of our Lord's sufferings what did he say to Him?         20:26-29.
6. Who did John declare that Jesus was, in the last verse of Chapter 20?

Consider what one thinker has said:

"Jesus Christ can only be explained in one of three ways: [1] He was a 'DECEIVER' - He went about deliberately deceiving people, saying what He knew was untrue; [2] He was 'DECEIVED' — He lived under mistaken identity; or else [3] He was 'DIVINE'."   ..............................  What do YOU think?
Remember Thomas? 'Doubting Thomas' many have called him. Reason can go so far, but then faith can go further! Which pleases God, faith or reason? Ponder Hebrews 11:6.


The Bible is a wonderful book, as one should expect of a revelation that is called 'The word of God". There are two 'words' spoken of in the Holy Scriptures. One is the Living Word, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (See Revelation 19:11-13). The other is the written word, the Holy Scriptures. (See Ephesians 6:17).

It is very interesting to note that how we regard, believe and obey the One is very much influenced by the way we regard, believe and obey the other. In fact Joseph Hart states as much in the last verse of his poem:

"The Scriptures and the Lord bear one tremendous name,
The written and the incarnate word in all things are the same."
I have come to realise that the Holy Bible - when used in the right way - has a threefold effect in the experience of a Christian. The mind is informed, faith increases and the heart can become strangely warmed.

Check: Psalm 119:99; Romans 10:17; Luke 24:32. We pray that this will be the effect upon those who complete 'The Way to God' studies.

Your knowledge of God's plan of salvation will become more clear, your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will become more assured and your heart will be 'strangely warmed'.

With each study outline (which of course requires time for looking up and thinking over each verse in turn) - you will find an associated devotional meditation. Take time to dwell upon each verse carefully. The truth you are learning will be turned into a heart-warming exercise. That is where you are touching real Christianity.You will be learning to walk each day with Christ - in the light of His word.

It is suggested that you read a chapter of John's Gospel every day.