In this series of studies concerning the SECOND COMING and future events, we have noticed two basic facts about which most Christians will be found to agree:
    1. The Lord Jesus Christ IS coming again - Study 43
    2. Different scriptures teach different aspects - Study 44

We now come to two parts of the future programme where there are obviously many points of disagreement among Christians.
    3. What is known as THE TRIBULATION - This study
   4. What is known as THE MILLENNIUM - Study 46


It is very important to realise as we continue these studies that equally godly, saintly, well-instructed Bible scholars have spent many years in the study of scripture regarding future events and have come to very different views regarding the details of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the events that will follow.

'Tribulation' simply means great affliction, trial, suffering or distress.
Following a consideration of scriptures, some detect a general use and a specific sense of the word..

General Use, without regard to time.
See how the Greek word 'thlipsis' is translated by different words in:

John 16:21 Acts 7:10, 11 Acts 11:19
Acts 14:22 1 Corinthians 7:28 2 Corinthians 8:13

Specific Sense
Here it is used to denote distress with regard to a particular time. Something special is going to happen. Consider: Matthew 24:21 and Revelation 7:14

Here the Bible student has to study each expression and decide whether a special 'tribulation' period is being referred to or not. The easy way is simply to follow what some teacher has decided and accept in faith that he must be right! But remember - there are other teachers!

Here are some scriptures to consider for yourself and make your mind up. Do they refer to a coming tribulation or not?

Daniel 12:1 Isaiah 11:10, 11 Zechariah 14:1 Malachi 4:5
Don't forget to check the preceding verses and those that follow (called 'study in context').
Isaiah 26:20 Jeremiah 30:7 Ezekiel 38:8 Daniel 11:40
Matthew 13:39 1 Thessalonians 1:10 2 Timothy 3:1 Revelation 6:16, 17

I think by now you may be more aware of the problems of eschatology (study of end-time events).

Most will agree we should not confuse the "MUCH TRIBULATIQN" that Christians must pass through in living for Christ (Acts 14:22),  -  i.e. the general use of the word, and the "GREAT TRIBULATION" of which Jesus speaks in Matthew 24:21, 22, and of which the Apostle John writes in Revelation 7:14 - a specific time use of the word.

The key questions we could ask ourselves - and then study scripture to discover the answers - are:

  1. What is the character of the great tribulation?
  2. When will the tribulation take place?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. Who will be affected and in what way?
  5. What is the purpose of the great tribulation?
I cannot possibly give you all the scriptures by which to answer all these questions. In any event, different teachers will naturally give those which appear to support their own view - but here are a few to start you off:

Q. 1  -  Read carefully Matthew 24 and Revelation 5, 7.
Q. 2  -  Matthew 24:39, 30. Jesus comes after it.
Q. 3  -  Daniel 7:25    Daniel 12:6, 7    Revelation 12:14
            Revelation 11:2    Revelation 13:5. (How long is 42 months?)
Q. 4  -  Matthew 24:21, 22    1 Peter 1:1, 2    Isaiah 45:4.
Q. 5  -  Matthew 13:39, 40, 49    Matthew 24:3    Matthew 28:20.

There are many, many other scriptures of course that we could have considered, had we the time and space.

I recently received a letter from a valued friend which illustrates something of the problem of different interpretations.
"Among Protestants there is a difference of opinion regarding the identity of the 'Man of Sin'. Some regard this as the Pope - in which they follow the majority of the Reformers. Others hold the view that the Man of Sin is yet future, on the ground that Paul states he will be destroyed by the Lord Himself at His second advent. There is also the point that John mentions 'many antichrists'.

"I fully accept the teaching of the Reformers that the little horn' of Daniel 7.8 refers to the Papacy and believe it is most likely the 'Man of Sin' will arise from the Papacy, but those who see the 'Man of Sin' as future do have a point as the Scripture definitely states that this 'Man of Sin' will be destroyed by the Lord Himself at His coming (2 Thessalonians 2:8). So we have to recognise a difference of interpretation."

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