Seeing there are so few scriptures in this study I will take the opportunity to mention two helps in Bible study as well as covering the principles.

Bible study, which is neglected today, both in local churches and by individuals, consists of three simple stages:

  1. What does the Bible say about this doctrine, topic, character or passage?
  2. What does it mean? Can I gather extra information on this doctrine, topic, character or passage?
  3. What actual lessons for my Christian living can I gather from the study of this doctrine, topic, character or passage?.
To begin with, you will observe two vital factors in reading or studying the Bible: Let’s consider the first of the three points above:
What does the Bible say about APOLLOS? - Read carefully Acts 18:24-28

Verse 24 - What two qualities had Apollos?
Verse 25 - What characterised his manner of speaking?
Verse 26 - Who took him aside and what did they do? Notice their loving concern for him.
We need more Christians like this today! Some are fervent and diligent but need to be taught!
Verse 27 - With proper instruction Apollos was able to help many people a lot!
Verse 28 - With natural eloquence and deeper knowledge of truth Apollos was able to mightily convince that Jesus was Christ.
Many Christians have talents, but lack the humility to channel them productively, thus leading to needless blunders.
1 Corinthians 3:1, 12 - How easy it is to gather disciples after oneself. It is in fact easier to disciple for self than for Christ! Why do some Christians follow men? Is this wrong? How can it be prevented? (1 Cor. 3:4-7)
1 Corinthians 16:12 - Notice how Paul respects the will of Apollos. Every one of us shall give an account of himself to God. Read carefully Romans 14:1-13.
Titus 3:13 - What can this verse teach us?

Having seen what the Bible teaches us about APOLLOS, Let’s take the second point:
What do these verses mean? Can I gather extra help on Apollos or any other chosen study?

Bible Dictionaries

The purpose of a Bible dictionary is to give fuither information on names, places, books of the Bible, dates, customs, words or doctiines. They can vary in price from around £5 even up to £100!
THE CONCISE BIBLE DICTIONARY is a particularly useful one - a mine of solid factual information, compiled by one who had a high faith view of Scripture (though, as with any book touching on Bible doctrine, it is only sensible to always check that the Bible itself says what is claimed). This dictionary is exceptional value, being a well bound single volume costing only £5.00 - post free (1998) from Kingston Bible Trust, Wembley Gardens, Lancing, W. Sussex (Tel. 01903-764373)

Bible Commentaries

These, as the name implies, contain verse by verse comments on, or explanations / interpretations of, whole books of the Bible. Needless to say, being so closely concerned with doctrine great care should be taken in their selection and use.
In a more general sense, one should always be careful to distinguish between God’s word and man’s comments.

THE BELIEVER’S BIBLE COMMENTARY (by William MacDonald) is outstanding and now available in a single volume edition (previously separate 0.T. and N.T. volumes) at £24.95 (1997 price). Most Christian bookshops should be able to get it, or you can order it from John Ritchie Ltd., 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock kA3 1RH. (Tel. 01563-536394)

Now to the third point about  making Bible study profitable:
What lessons for Christian living today can I gather?

This is where the study is put into practice. This makes the difference between filling the head with facts only, or moving the will to "go and do (or not do) likewise."

However, the facts are important, and once obtained will provide answers for such questions as:
what? why? when? where? how? who?

Here is the kind of practical lessons we could learn from Apollos:

Apollos became a great teacher of others because he was willing to sit in the tentmaker’s house and be taught. His name became known to many: "You must hear Apollos" it was said. In fact a number began to follow him. We must be careful that with increasing popularity there is increasing humility! (See John 3:30)

What a splendid help Aquila and Priscilla were to Apollos! They were like a couple of booster rockets sending Apollos up into orbit All those who name the Name of Christ should be alert to see those we can help in a similar way!

Know the Word - and make it known.

Teach me, Lord, that I may teach
the precious things Thou dost impart.

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