One of the oldest questions asked of man is found in Job 5:24...........
Perhaps the most perplexing question to many is: "Can we ever know we are?"

Let's begin with an affirmation, then in the course of our study determine whether it is true or not.

Christian faith is not a tentative trust in the uncertain hope that all may be well with one's soul. It is the confident faith that all is well with one's soul!


Job lived about 4000 years ago. What was he sure of?.......Job 13:18, 19:25
David lived about 3000 years ago. What was he sure of?.......Psalm 40:1-4

If you look in a hymn book under "Assurance" or "Thanksgiving", you can find hymns that express such a certainty.
Consider: PSALM 32:1, 2 and  2 TIMOTHY 1:12. Would you not agree that such certainty is actually possible - for you?


To look within   =   despair.
To look around   =   confusion.
To look to Christ   =   assurance!

Let us appreciate more fully the PERSON and the WORK of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

 His divine birth  Matthew 1:18-25
 His humanity  Philippians 2:7, 8
 His divinity  2 Corinthians 5:19
 His ministry  Luke 7:19-23
 His perfection  Hebrews 7:25-28
 His atonement  Mark 15
 His resurrection  John 20
 His ascension  Acts 1:1-11

Ask yourself this:

Could such a Person live such a life, die such a death, for such a purpose, be raised in such a way, and if I trust Him wholly, could I then be lost?

What aspect of His life gives you, personally, blessed assurance?

This matter of personal assurance is not something we can "work up". Nor is it human presumption. It is granted by God the Holy Spirit when He sees that a man or woman has ceased from "works", has a right view of the Person and work of Christ and is trusting in the promises of God.
Romans 8:1-17 should be read very carefully, with earnest prayer for divine understanding. Don't worry about parts you may not understand, but rejoice in the parts you do understand. Is verse 16 true of you?

3. THE WORD OF GOD - The promises we see in the Scriptures.

With every promise there is usually a condition which must be fulfilled. If you have truly repented and turned from sin, and have a living faith in Christ, then these promises can be claimed by you.

It is helpful to personalise the promises contained in the following Scriptures by writing each one out in your own words. Start with "I am... " or "I have... ".

 ROMANS 8:23-31  EPHESIANS 1:4,5
 ROMANS 8:32-39  ROMANS 5:1,2
 1 JOHN 1:9  1 JOHN 2:12
 ROMANS 8:1  JOHN 3:18

It is a truly wonderful thing to HEAR THE WORD OF GOD - (Romans 10:17)
and to BELIEVE THE TESTIMONY OF GOD concerning our Lord Jesus Christ - who He is: the Son of God - and what He has done: died for our sins.

If you have heard and believed, then JOHN 5:24 will come as sweet music to your ears.
Write it out; read it aloud!
Notice the certainty behind those words - "hath", "shall not", "is".

The language of FAITH says:

    Forsaking    All    I    Take   Him (the Lord Jesus Christ)

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