If you use these studies in the way intended, you will derive encouragement and profit from the good word of God. They are only outlines. If you want to dig deeper in any of the topics, all you need to do is use a concordance to look up other scriptures on the same or similar subjects.

1. THE NATURE OF GOD (What is God like?)

John 4:24........
"God is (a) Spirit", not composed of parts, invisible, in every place, HOLY!

What proof did Jesus offer that He was not a spirit? See Luke 24:39.
How did Jesus declare the Father? See John 14:9..

2. THE UNITY OF GOD (There is one God)

Deuteronomy 6:4  and Isaiah 44:6
To own more than one God is idolatry. (see Exodus 20:3-5 and the rest of Isaiah 44.)

The Hebrew word for "God" denotes a compound unity, not a simple one.
Compare Genesis 11:7 ("us") with John 17:22, 23.

3. THE TRI-UNITY OF GOD (Three Persons)

This unique perception of Almighty God - one God - manifesting Himself in three persons is beyond human explanation.

The true Christian will take the view: "God has said it concerning Himself, and I by His enabling Spirit believe it - and that settles it!"
[There are many things we do not understand and cannot fully explain, but we can believe in them and enjoy the benefits of them - e.g. electricity, plant growth, calculators, etc.]

 Notice how the Scriptures use plural pronouns concerning the Godhead:

See Gen. 1:26, Gen. 3:22, Gen. 11:7, Zechariah. 2:8-13.
Notice who is speaking. Of whom? Sent by whom?

Matthew 3:16,17
Notice the Father is speaking, the Son is baptised, the Spirit is as a dove upon Him.

Compare John 17:5 and John 1:1. With whom was Jesus?

Yet note Matthew 28:19 - "in the name... ", not "names".

See also the distinctions made in 1 Corinthians 1:3 and 2 Corinthians 13:14.

It is interesting to see how the apostolic benediction involved God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Some have seen an illustration of the Godhead in the three forms of one substance, water as liquid (normal), water as solid (when frozen) and water as steam (when heated). This however is merely an illustration and must not be pressed.

4. THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD (His characteristics)

 Jer. 10:10,13  His personality  He speaks / acts
 Psa. 90:2,4  His eternity  No beginning, no end
 Psa. 139: 7-10  He is everywhere  Jer. 23:24 
 Gen. 18:14  He creates all things  Job 37:16
 1 John 3:20  He knows all things  Job 37:16
 Isaiah 6:3  His holiness  1 John 1:5
 1 John 3:1  His love  John 3:16

Notice not merely that "God loves". 1 John 4:8 goes much further.
Praise Him then in your song and lifestyle!

"How good is the God we adore,
Our faithful, unchangeable Friend.
His love is as great as His power,
And knows neither measure nor end!"

5. THE NAMES OF GOD (What does He do?)

The name "Jehovah" is combined with ten other titles, which are known as "Jehovah titles".
1  JEHOVAH-JIREH  Jehovah will provide  See Genesis 22:14 
 Note what He provided
2  JEHOVAH-ROPHEKA  Jehovah that healeth  Exodus 15:26
3  JEHOVAH-NISSI  Jehovah my banner  Exodus 17:15
4  JEHOVAH-MeKADDISHKEM  Jehovah who sanctifies  Exodus 31:3, Leviticus 20:8
5  JEHOVAH-SHALOM  Jehovah who gives peace  Judges 6:24
6  JEHOVAH-ZeBAOTH  Jehovah of hosts  1 Samuel 1:3 and frequently
7  JEHOVAH-ZIDKENU  Jehovah our righteousness  Jeremiah 23:6, 33:16
8  JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH  Jehovah is there  Ezekiel 48:35
9  JEHOVAH-ELYON  Jehovah most high  Psalm 7:17, 47:2, 97:9
10  JEHOVAH-ROHI  Jehovah my Shepherd  Psalm 23:1

If you are a Christian, never let it be said of you that your God is too small! This is the kind of information that Christians are in dire need of today: basic, solid Bible-based truths concerning God and the Lord Jesus Christ Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit the word of God is able to impart these truths as we come to it humbly to be taught. Then we should be sure to share what we learn from the Scriptures and encourage others to study them too!

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