"We are accounted righteous before God, (acceptable to Him, saved!) only by the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by faith, and that not of our own works or deservings."
This quotation is taken from the 39 Articles of Religion of the Church of England. This is the traditional teaching of the Church of England. It is not quoted as our authority, but as a clear statement of what this particular church believes, as based upon the Word of God.
The purpose of this study is to set out what the Word of God says about true faith.

Now this is not to say we believe in what some call ‘easy believism’, which is a mere 'trusting' or 'receiving' of Jesus, then living any way you like!
True faith means that:

  1. You are conscious of having sinned and offended a holy and just God,
  2. You have recognised that in the Lord Jesus Christ - through His substitutionary death is your only hope of salvation and acceptance by God.

  3. Then:
  4. You have come to God in His own appointed way, which is true repentance and living faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
In theological terms this means that:
  1. God in His grace has convicted you of your sin and need,
  2. God in His grace has revealed the Lord Jesus Christ as your sin-bearing substitute, and
  3. God in His grace has enabled you to repent and believe.
This is what we believe the Bible teaches as salvation, by grace, through faith in Christ alone.

The faith that saves is not a ‘heaven here I come’ kind of faith, as if we are doing God a favour. Rather, it will be expressed as ‘Lord be merciful to me, a sinner.’


Repentance means an entire change of the mind, and a turning of the whole heart from sin to God. It results from deep conviction of the evil consequences of sin - as produced by the Holy Spirit. It is attended with godly sorrow - and leads to faith in Christ.

True repentance involves the whole person:

We do not change our ways to become saved, but because we are saved!

Notice in these verses who it was who was teaching repentance:

Mark 1:15
Acts 2:38,41
Acts 20:21


The Bible definition of faith is found in Hebrews 11:1. It is worth pondering this.
Faith is a gift of God (see Romans 12:3). See also 2 Peter 1:1 and Ephesians 2:8.
Furthermore, it comes through hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17).

Faith is expressed in several ways:

John 6:35 John 1:12 Ephesians 2:8
Galatians 3:27 Hebrews 6:18 John 6:55-58
John 4:14 2 Timothy 1:12 Isaiah 45:22
If you are tempted to skip through without actually reading the verses - resist it! Taking time to look up and read them makes the study meaningful and worthwhile!


It is important to grasp this, since many people will say "I believe in Christ", but they will not be true Christians.
  1. I HEAR
  3. I ACT
  1. I hear that a parachute will save me.
  2. I believe that a parachute will save me.
  3. I am being saved - when I have jumped and am exercising my faith in it!
Study No. 7 deals with evidences of true faith.
  1. I hear that Christ will save me.
  2. I believe that Christ will save me.
  3. I am being saved - when I have committed myself to Him, or received Him, and am exercising my faith in Him.
This latter expression of living faith will be evidenced by personal confession of Him.
Read how this fact is stated in Romans 10:9,10.
Compare these verses with Matthew 10:32,33.

The living faith of which the Bible speaks begins with an act, and continues as an attitude.

This is NOT to say we must know the day and time when we first trusted in Christ, but many have been helped by consciously turning to God in repentance and faith at a specific time and place.
See the section about Commitment in 'CHRISTIAN?' .

CONCERNING REPENTANCE ... It was a wise old saint who said: ‘I hope to carry my repentance to the grave...’

CONCERNING FAITH ... The disciples on one occasion said: ‘Lord, increase our faith.’


Habbakuk. 2:4
Romans 1:17
Galatians 3:11
Hebrews 10:38

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Last updated: Tuesday, 18th January, 2000