( Comments by Ron Smith in italics.)

"Christians who use the versions recommended can be absolutely sure that they have in their hands an accurate, responsible rendering of the infallible word of God..."

On a previous page the same writer has said: "No translation of the Bible is perfect. Criticisms could be made of all existing translations."

"Because of the thoroughness and quality of its features, the NIV Study Bible has sold nearly three million copies and is this writer's preferred choice."

The NIV Study Bible has also had spent on its promotion more than any other Bible to date.
It is also interesting to see that we may now choose our own Bible! If one prefers the dispensational view of eschatology, one chooses The Schofield Reference Bible or New Schofield Reference Bible. If one prefers the Wesleyan/Arminian persepective there is The Wesley Bible, or if you prefer a version for the mainstream modern charismatic theology, there is the Full Life Study Bible or The Message.

It would seem that Bible Publishers are now not only providing the 'Bibles' to reach different age groups and sections of society, but also those who hold particular doctrinal, historical or eschatological and ecumenical views. We no longer have a definitive Bible, but are being encouraged to choose the one we personally believe is God's word to us.

"You need this completely New Translation .... THE BOOK OF YAHWEH - The Holy Scriptures...."

"The NRSV (New Revised Standard Version) is the essential Bible for reading and study today. It incorporates all the new knowledge of ancient Biblical languages gained in recent years, and reflects the changes which English itself has undergone... Here is an accurate, understandable and reverent record of God's Word. A true standard for our time..."

Was the writer of the following promotional commendation actually intending to encourage the sale of the AUTHORISED VERSION?.......

"The Authorised Version is an indispensable classic which has left permanent marks on the English language and its literature. When first published in 1611, its language was already rather archaic. It was largely a revision of the earlier work by William Tyndale and others."

"This contemporary paraphrase captures the vitality, power, and brutal honesty of the ancient Hebrew prayers - while still maintaining the song-like meter and lyrical quality of your favourite 'stuffy' translations."

"Translated directly from the original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic languages of the scriptures......."

But we don't have the originals - remember.

"This new translation focuses on communicating meaning. It emphasises visual communication of the text. It incorporates changes in vocabulary and readability that have occurred in the last 20 years. For these reasons, it clearly communicates God's message in ways other Bibles haven't."

"Spot the difference with the Good News Bible - Second Edition... One of them being inclusive language. This means that women are no longer left out by terms like 'men' and 'brothers' where the original text clearly refers to women as well."

Should those who own The Good News Bible. now purchase the second edition? Then the third or even fourth?
I get the distinct impression that there is a battle for the Bible on, in which mercenary motives play no little part.

"Recent research has shown it to be Britain's most popular Bible amongst regular Bible users..."(This is claimed by several.)

Consider the fact that we have now had over 70 new versions of the Bible and New Testament (not including their revisions and special editions!) during the past 30 years. Each Bible has been promoted by the latest sales motivation techniques. We can begin to understand how it is that the growing generation have been influenced to disregard, neglect and even abandon the reading of that version of God's word that has been used by the greatest number of people over the longest period of time.

If those who believe that God's word has been providentially preserved through the Textus Receptus to the Authorised Version are right, then they might be pardoned for believing an enemy is causing all this confusion!